Saturday, October 25, 2014


The McDonald's logo is more the an m on a red background. The m is really two golden arches connected to one another and the red background represents boldness. The golden arches represent price, quality and quickness. The McDonald's logo has become a symbol that's known worldwide because of how well designed it is.

Friday, October 10, 2014


The artist told the story of "Coming To America" through art of Eddie Murphy standing on a red carpet leading through a crowded city. He illustrates him with traditional African clothes of royalty. The background of the city along with a gigantic image of Eddie Murphy appeals to me the most about this movie poster. I can apply the background of "Coming To America" movie poster and make myself look gigantic around my surroundings.


Jack was an ordinary man until an accident. He loses his arm in an automotive accident and has his armed replaced by a prosthetic arm. Little did Jack know that his prosthetic arm was made by the government to keep the world safe from terrorists.  Jack becomes a secret agent and uses his specialized prosthetic arm to get out of tight spaces.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Movie Poster Maker Interview Response

Dustin Stanton always had a passion for graphic design since high school. He inspires me to become a freelancer because Dustin broke away from major agencies in 2009. One of his best movie posters was "Magnolia." Dustin went out of his way to capture a photo of a magnolia in bloom. Reading Dustin's interview was interesting because he makes sure his poster designs always communicate a message to the intended audience.