Thursday, November 27, 2014

Mission Statement

I am looking to create a taxi service called, "Quick Taxi." The service will take passengers from point A to Point B in a quick manner. My target audience will be the upper class who are ages 18-65. I hope to create an image that's associated with luxury. I want my company to be viewed as an upscale service by the public. I hope to reach my customer base through word of mouth. 

Friday, November 14, 2014

Logo Redesign

Pepsi Should Redesign Logo

I would like to say that Pepsi Corp. should at least change their logo. The original logo was better than the new one. It had a sense of creativity to it. I have redesigned a more attractive logo using Adobe Illustrator. That is all I would like to say folks. Don't forget to look at my redesign below.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Asher B CCC_2012 Class Blog: What convicts can teach us about graphic design.

Asher B CCC_2012 Class Blog: What convicts can teach us about graphic design.: Article Read the above linked article and write a response on the blog.

Neil Stansfield should have not been incarcerated. He should have been offered a job by Tesco and Aldi. The both of these food corporations could learn from his designs and increase their sales. It is shocking to discover an amateur had better branding techniques than big name corporations. This article reminds me how important package design is and how it can affect businesses either positively or negatively.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Asher B CCC_2012 Class Blog: Hmwrk Due 11/7

Asher B CCC_2012 Class Blog: Hmwrk Due 11/7: Read the article about the Starbucks logo and respond.

The move by Starbucks was bold. Their logo has become so recognizable that it doesn't need any text. With that in mind Starbucks relies only on the image of the mermaid surrounded by a green circle. Logos are powerful marketing tools. It can make or break a franchise. Most consumers actually identify a product or service by its unique logo. In Starbucks' case coffee.

Saturday, October 25, 2014


The McDonald's logo is more the an m on a red background. The m is really two golden arches connected to one another and the red background represents boldness. The golden arches represent price, quality and quickness. The McDonald's logo has become a symbol that's known worldwide because of how well designed it is.

Friday, October 10, 2014


The artist told the story of "Coming To America" through art of Eddie Murphy standing on a red carpet leading through a crowded city. He illustrates him with traditional African clothes of royalty. The background of the city along with a gigantic image of Eddie Murphy appeals to me the most about this movie poster. I can apply the background of "Coming To America" movie poster and make myself look gigantic around my surroundings.


Jack was an ordinary man until an accident. He loses his arm in an automotive accident and has his armed replaced by a prosthetic arm. Little did Jack know that his prosthetic arm was made by the government to keep the world safe from terrorists.  Jack becomes a secret agent and uses his specialized prosthetic arm to get out of tight spaces.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

Movie Poster Maker Interview Response

Dustin Stanton always had a passion for graphic design since high school. He inspires me to become a freelancer because Dustin broke away from major agencies in 2009. One of his best movie posters was "Magnolia." Dustin went out of his way to capture a photo of a magnolia in bloom. Reading Dustin's interview was interesting because he makes sure his poster designs always communicate a message to the intended audience.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

To the Point: Interview With Dave Perillo, aka Montygog Response

The Dave Perillo interview was interesting. He reminded me that designs have to be creative. Dave's designs and illustrations of well known characters were comical and non serious. I can relate to him on a design level. He is a prime example of a successful graphic designer. Dave gets his inspiration from old time cartoons and innovators like Walt Disney. Overall, the Montygog interview was something enlightening when it comes to design and illustration.

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Rethinking the way we sit down response

Neil Diffrient tells an interesting story about his romantic experience with designing planes. Throughout his life he has studied design. The part of his speech that caught my attention is the unveiling of Neil's chair. It was user friendly with excellent ergonomics. He made sure his design was thoroughly functional without anything nonfunctional. If you're passionate about design you can make an everyday object into something extraordinary. 

Thursday, September 11, 2014

How to Ruin a Great Design Response

Designs can make or break a business. Graphic designers have to always be careful when coming up with symbols, words, and images. Designs have to be functional and must never be non-functional. Some British Traffic signs can be enhanced by rearranging symbols and changing font size. The wrong design can hinder a franchise by allowing customers to think of something lousy and not worth paying for. In order to make a great design, one must make sure the images, symbols, words, and colors are appropriate. 

Friday, September 5, 2014

What is your computer experience? My computer experience is using PowerPoint, Excel, Word, and surfing the Web.

What is your experience with Photoshop and Illustrator? I have no experience with Photoshop and Illustrator. This is very new to me.

Do you have a computer at home? If so dose it have Photoshop and Illustrator? Yes, it doesn't have Photoshop and Illustrator.

What is your major ? My Major is Web Design and Development.

What do you hope to get out of this class? I hope to learn how to blog correctly.

Who is your favorite artist? My favorite artist is Leonardo Dinvinci.

Who is your favorite musician? My favorite musician is Lil Wayne.

Tell me something interesting about yourself? I am a recent graduate from Rutgers University-Camden.

Write a five line story?

There was a bug named Larry who married a Lady Bug named Marry.They live in the park of Blackwood.

Larry and Marry enjoyed eating leftovers from the local college. They disrupted cook outs and picnics.

The both of them went on a journey towards a bright light. They kept flying and flying towards something that was out of reach,

With only an hour to go, Larry and Marry buzzed quicker to the tempting glow. It seemed beautiful to them from a distance.

Without any warning, Larry and Marry were fried potatoes in an instant.

The unexpected way to die.